Step One to Halter Training Your Lambs

Let’s dive into halter training your show lambs! This content is right out of my book Show Your Way to the Top on sheep showmanship, but today you are getting it for free. Mastering showmanship starts with basic training at home. Always believe in small beginings. Every great show lamb, starts at the very beginning. […]

Sheep Show Tip to Switching Sides

Switching sides in sheep showmanship is a show process that is only done in some areas. Before you go to deep into switching sides or manuevering around your animal, know if that is a show process done in your area. In California switching sides and manuevering around your animal is a big part of showmanship […]

Five Tips to Walking Show Cattle

Today we are taking a look at the show cattle world. Show cattle are one of the harder animals to master simply due to their size. My favorite reminder is to master those basic showmanship steps and to train hard at home. #1 Come in with and maintain good eye contact. You must enter the […]

Three Tips To Driving Show Goats

Driving show goats is the push or brace we are looking for. The drive transforms the topline and show goat look for the judge. You must have a good strong drive to make your goat stand right. Here are three tips to driving your show goats. #1 Lift up and back on the head simultaneously. […]

Five Basic Tips To Turning Show Pigs

Turning show pigs is something you can start very early with your show pigs. You can begin turning as soon as your pig is comfortable with you and your whip. You don’t even need to take them out of their pen yet, just start the basics and build on them. #1 Make precise taps, right […]

Five Basics to Keeping Your Show Lamb Stuck

Here are five basics to keeping your lamb stuck. ‘Set’ and ‘stuck’ are often used interchangeably or even the word ‘braced’. Often the best thing you can do is focus on the fundamentals. You need to do the basics better than anyone else in order to be noticed. #1: Check often that your lamb’s feet […]

Five Tips To Walking Your Show Lamb’s Better

Here are five simple tips to walk your show lambs better. One of the keys to moving up higher in the show world is doing the basics better than everyone else. #1: Stay behind the lamb’s Shoulder. Walking out in front of your lamb will cause them to slow or stop. Walking behind the animal’s […]

Getting a Perfect Drive on Your Goat

Are you looking for a step-by-step explanation on how to get the perfect drive on your market goat? Today I am talking about exactly that!

In today’s video, I am talking about driving your show goats. I cover four key points to getting a perfect drive. If you want to show goats, I’m sure you will learn something from this video!

The first thing I will talk about is head control. How you handle your goat is one of the hardest technicalities with driving market goats. The second is your stance which I will also cover. Third, I will talk about an unfortunately common mistake showmen make, and fourth will be how often you should practice the drive.

Be sure and watch this brief video, and come back for more tips soon!

Getting a Perfect Brace on Your Lamb

Are you looking for solid advice to get the perfect brace from your lamb? In that case, my video today is exactly what you are looking for!

Today, I am talking about bracing your show lambs. I cover four key factors to getting a good brace. I don’t hide any of the secrets I learned showing livestock!

The first factor is trust. That one might sound odd, but its a big part of having a good calm lamb come show day. The second is that bracing has to be the lamb’s idea. Finally, third is head control, and fourth is leg placement.

Dive in, watch my brief video, and come back for more great tips soon!

Collar Training Your Market Goats

Are you struggling to get your goat to walk on a collar? Does your goat fight you anytime you try walking him around? If so, I can help.

Today I will break down collar training to show you step by step how to go from halter to collar and then into the show ring.

Collar training is key to getting a good walk on show day. In order to succeed on show day, your goat must walk well!