One of the first things the judge will notice when he is looking for a good lamb showman is how they make their lamb look. The profile of your lamb is so important. In many judge’s opinion, the lamb is the whole reason for showmanship. If you can’t make your lamb look good, they don’t care what eye contact you have or anything else. Your ability to master the topline and the overall look of your animal is going to be a huge factor in your success.
So how do you do that? Let’s dive in. This is a short segment directly from my brand new sheep showmanship book which will be coming out in 2025. I am so excited for this book, but first I wanted to share some secrets with you for free here now.

Here is a secret weapon for making animals look perfect and how you can use it to get the most value from it. The secret is not just the item itself, but how you use it. I will give away both secrets for you here for free. I recommend you find a window or mirror that you can set your lamb up in front of to see his reflection. Instantly the biggest blocker to your success is gone. You can now see your lamb in real time just as the judge will on show day. This helps you figure out what you need to do in the show ring. A mirror is also very motivating. It makes practice come to life and the enjoyment of practice goes up dramatically. A great thing about mirrors is that you are learning by seeing. The mirror strengthens your eye and helps you figure out what looks the best, and how to get your lamb there.
Using a mirror, you can easily solve the puzzles your animal presents you with. You can see whether you look awkward, try new things, and use them if they work. All you have to do is look up into the mirror and decide if you or your lamb looks too stiff, sloppy, or just right.
The system to mastering your show look with a mirror is simple. First, walk into place where you can see your lamb’s full body in the mirror. Then look down and don’t look back up until you have your lamb set and looking just right. Then look up and see how close you got. Is something out of place or the topline look strange? Fix it and then look again at the lamb and see what it looks like from your perspective as a showman. As a showman, I would make a point to memorize that. It might be the placement of the feet, or the way the topline looks from my view when it is just right from the judge’s view.
I don’t believe in coaching kids in the live showmanship class. If showmanship is about how they make their animal look, it shouldn’t be determined by who has a better coach outside the show ring. This is the moment of truth and you want to be able to do it on your own. Not in the market show, that is the animal being judged, but in showmanship when you are the one being judged, its all on you. A mirror and memorizing your animal’s look and style is what makes you a better showman when it all comes down to you, without a coach, on show day.
That’s it! Is that cool or what? This comes directly from my book Show Your Way to the Top. You can actually join my launch team and help me to get this book out. I am looking for showmen, breeders, or parents who are willing to donate a little time to read and review my book – that’s it!
You can apply to join me here: