Today I want you to master a key showmanship tecnique that you will need in dairy goats, market goats, and sheep. All three species are constantly using this move. I took this segment directly from my dairy goat showmanship book so that you can get some of the great tips there for free. Even if you are a showman interested in master showmanship or round robin. Understanding the show ring with these species is key! Manuevering in lambs, as well as market and dairy goats can really be tricky, so the more you know the more you can stand out as the expert on show day.
Mastering the move
Sometimes the judge will ask you to turn around, essentially making a turn to face the opposite direction. Most of the time, you will need to change directions without switching sides. To do this, you will need to learn a simple maneuver.
In the dairy goat world, this turn can be called by many names. A pull turn, ribbon turn, figure eight, or simple U-turn. For this example, I will call it the simple U-turn. I will be referring to this turn many times in this book, so make a point to master it as soon as you are able. You are basically making an about turn on the move.
Anytime you do this, you will turn the sheep or goat towards you. You will keep your sheep or goat walking while you turn her towards you and all the way around to face the opposite direction. While your sheep or goat does this, you can be standing still or just backing slightly out of her way. You don’t switch sides. Take special note of the pictures below: the goat stays between the showman and the judge the entire time. As your goat turns, switch hands on the collar for better control. Your goat will do most of the work. Your job is to guide her and shift your body as needed.

For sheep, you will be instead rotating your hands on the lamb’s head. Showing lambs can be tricky because it is all hands on, you don’t even have that collar for support. Just keep your hands on your lamb and rotate them as your lamb turns while maintaining control.
This is just one of so many manuevers you will be asked to do on show day. If you want the entire chapter, check out the book of whichever species you are working with. This information comes directly from my book Show Your Way to the Top at or you can find it on amazon if you prefer.